About Me

In our busy world, deciding to make a change can seem overwhelming. I’m good at supporting my clients to take small steps that, over time, can help enable big changes. I create a safe, supportive, and collaborative space to hear your story. 

From a very young age, I always wanted to know why people behaved as they did.  This curiosity about the human experience–and, of course, the desire to help improve that experience–is my life’s passion and why I love what I do.  I’m a New York State Licensed Creative Art Therapist and Psychotherapist.  Since graduating from NYU in 2009, I’ve worked with clients in a range of different settings, including group therapy, parent-child dyads, and individual psychotherapy, in hospitals, prisons, schools, clinics, camps, and over Zoom.  My background in both creative art therapy as well as traditional talk therapy allows for a unique perspective and a range of different interventional options, including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, trauma-informed care, exposure therapy, substance use harm reduction, and motivational interviewing.  I gravitate toward a client-centered approach, but no one intervention works for all, and I lean into my experience and creative insights to fit the needs of each client. 

When you’re ready, give me a call!  I offer a free initial phone consultation for us to start to get to know each other.

To better provide continued support in this time of disruption, I am currently conducting all sessions remotely via video and phone sessions.  This may change in future.

Things don’t have to change the world to be important.
— Steve Jobs

Get started with Kelsey today.